PSA oxygen gas generator: Everything you need to know

Every healthcare facility requires medical-grade oxygen supply without any hindrance and having the maximum purity level. That’s why choosing the best oxygen gas generator in India is of utmost importance and there shouldn’t be any type of compromise with the choice. However, it won’t be possible until you gain at least a brief idea about the equipment, especially when it comes to an advanced form like PSA gas generator. Blindly choosing the component without having basic knowledge about its functioning or the features will hinder you from using it to the full scale. Considering this, we have created a brief guide, explaining the functioning of a PSA generator of oxygen gas, features, and benefits. 

PSA oxygen gas generator: A brief introduction

PSA or Pressure Swing Adsorption is an advanced methodology by which pure oxygen gas is extracted from the gaseous mixture while ensuring maximum flow rate and higher compound concentration in the output. The generator comprises of two towers, one for adsorption and extraction of oxygen gas and the other for desorption and recycling. A gaseous mixture is passed through a high-quality sieve made from zeolite, which facilitates the diffusion of nitrogen molecules and other impurities under high pressure. This leaves behind a highly concentrated oxygen gas mixture, which is then extracted to be used for medical use. 

Features and benefits of PSA oxygen gas generator

Below we have listed a few salient features and benefits of a PSA oxygen generator that will help you in making the accurate choice for your healthcare facility.

  • It functions on automated routines, which further require no human intervention or manual operation.
  • The overall size of a PSA generator is much smaller and compact when compared to other forms of oxygen generator still prevalent in the market.
  • PSA generators from manufacturers like can start producing the desired concentration of pure oxygen within minutes from the start-up.
  • One of the most crucial features of this oxygen gas generator is that it can produce the purest form of molecular oxygen gas.
  • No additional pressure booster is required because it can generate oxygen consistently at a pressure of 5 Kg per centimeter square.


Nowadays, a highly functional medical oxygen plant usually uses the PSA generator to produce medical-grade oxygen gas of optimal purity and concentration levels. So, based on our discussion above, you should decide which one to get for your healthcare facility.


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