Medical Oxygen Plant Infrastructure: Building a Resilient Healthcare System

The worldwide coronavirus outbreak has gifted us with an excellent chance to start over. It has given us a future outlook on how to move forward. A medical oxygen infrastructure that adapts to the growing demands for a strong healthcare infrastructure is needed. It will help society respond pretty well to an epidemic and to any potential future threat that has a higher likelihood of arriving.

In the years 2020–21, oxygen overtook gold in terms of valuation. Hospitals all across the world experienced oxygen shortages. There is still an enormous demand for medical oxygen plants around the country. And this is where medical oxygen plants in India are coming for help.

Medical Oxygen Plant

Pressure swing adsorption (PSA) plants are the prominent oxygen resources that have lately penetrated the country. Thanks to heavy investment from private, public, and philanthropic institutions for backing up these PSA nitrogen gas generators.

These plants extract nitrogen from air by a pressurised adsorption process using an adsorbent such as zeolite. Already, the Government of India has pledged to put up one PSA plant in each district headquarters to ensure India doesn't run out of oxygen anymore.

The step has been taken to increase the availability of medical oxygen in underserved communities through Assist International, tackle grand challenges, and become a supporter of the National Health Department.

Strengthening the Oxygen Supply Chain Management System

There are multiple reasons behind the severe oxygen shortage that is being observed. These things can't be ignored; rather, they must be viewed as opportunities for growth and development. Apart from infrastructure difficulties, the pandemic has also revealed gaps in the oxygen supply chain, with the puzzling state of production schedules and transportation being the most notable.

The inability to produce enough medical-grade oxygen in response to sudden spikes in demand is a serious problem that has to be addressed. Maintaining a constant flow of oxygen requires a reliable system for moving liquid oxygen from production facilities to other locations.

Final Words

These challenging times have revealed the weak spots in our healthcare infrastructure, which is being strengthened by companies like Compair Medox.


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