Top 5 uses of nitrogen gas in different industries

Nitrogen gas is a chemical element. This element is a member of group 15 of the periodic table. That is also a reason why it is popular with another name: pnictogens. Being the lightest material, nitrogen is being used for many industrial and non-industrial purposes. The regular food items that we use need the support of nitrogen. From the basic need to advance levels like aircraft fuel, nitrogen is required. Thankfully this element is available at the universal level. To reduce emergencies, we do have PSA nitrogen generators in India.

Uses of nitrogen in different ways:

Being a colorless, odorless, and tasteless nonmetal gas many industries find this element as a perfect fitment for their purposes. Let us know which industries are availing the advantage of nitrogen.

Food industry: Safe packaging that helps the quality management of food contents is a basic need of food industries. No side effect of this gas on our nature makes it a perfect solution for packaging food items. We buy wafers, milk, grains, flour, and other food contents daily. The air filled inside the packet is nitrogen. Due to this manufacturers support the self-life of their food items.

Fire suppression systems: Nitrogen is effective to reduce the level of oxygen. Oxygen supports fire. A sudden decrease in oxygen amount helps to control fire emergencies. So it is also being used in fire suppression systems. That is the reason why the PSA nitrogen generator in India is doing great business.

Ammonia cracker industries: The use of nitrogen in this industry is done for heat treatment furnaces. Ammonia cracker manufacturers need a blend of nitrogen and hydrogen for this purpose.

Aircraft fuel systems: Nitrogen is a much denser element than oxygen. Also, it is helpful to prevent the risk of explosion. That is the reason why the aircraft industry prefers the use of nitrogen as a fuel system for their aircraft.

Along with these some of the chemical industries also use nitrogen. To inflate aircraft tires use of nitrogen is common. Industrial must take care of the misuse and wastage of this useful element.


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