How Does PSA Nitrogen Generator Work?

PSA oxygen gas generator in India is of absolute necessity in hospitals and other areas. It helps to maintain the supply of oxygen. The generator can separate different gas mixture components such as nitrogen and oxygen with the help of the solid substance known as adsorbents. 

This adsorbent in the PSA nitrogen generator helps to separate the gas mixtures. The process of separation is based on density level. Under high pressure, gasses like nitrogen exhibit a strong affinity for adsorbents such as granular activated carbon and Zeolite.

So, various gas components will be absorbed at different rates. This will depend on the amount of pressure. Gas will desorb under low pressure. The PSA nitrogen generator has two towers:

  • One tower is for the absorption of the gas
  • The second is for regeneration of the gas

The air mixture coming from the compressor will enter into the absorption tower. Here, the gas will contact the adsorbent and allow the separation of the nitrogen gas, carbon dioxide, oxygen, and other gasses. However, the pressure is reduced to recover the nitrogen gas, and gas will be desorbed. 

This way, nitrogen gas is separated from the mixture. Also, the separated oxygen can be used in hospitals and other areas where oxygen is needed. The PSA nitrogen generator is widely applied in industrial areas and hospitals for the fastest nitrogen recovery in its purest form.

Nitrogen has been used in food packaging and hospitals; it is used as a preservative method. The application is designed to separate the gasses by changing the pressure level. Another method is applied for separating the gasses, such as swing adsorption processes.

Gasses will be adsorbed at two stages at different time intervals. The moisture, oxygen, and carbon dioxide diffuse during the adsorption stage to form a structure, whereas the nitrogen molecules travel to the adsorbed-adsorbent container. This helps to gain pure nitrogen gas, which you can use for various purposes. Moreover, it is also useful for having the pure form of oxygen, which can be used as a lifesaver support system.


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